The Science of CBD

CBD is an appealing option for those who are looking for relief from pain and other symptoms without the mind-altering effects of cannabis or other side effects related to some pharmaceutical drugs.

The human body contains a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in regulating a variety of functions, including sleep, appetite, pain sensation, and immune system response. The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system.

The Science of CBD Farming can be overlooked by many CBD companies. Most will purchase several liters of CBD distillate or Isolate from a lab and move forward with a strong marketing campaign. 

At Hemp Valley Farm our team has a collective 50 years of regenerative farming experience. Our focus is on the quality of the hemp plants, and the soil in which they grow. Documented research and decades of anecdotal evidence has shown that a robust and healthy soil environment creates healthy plants that generate higher levels of nutrition, a more complete genetic map and most importantly a hemp plant with vigorous cannabinoid profile.

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